Command or supervise operations of ships and water vessels, such as tugboats and ferryboats, that travel into and out of harbors, estuaries, straits, and sounds and on rivers, lakes, bays, and oceans. Required to hold license issued by U.S. Coast Guard. Exclude "Motorboat Operators" (53-5022). |
Mean Wage History |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to Occupational Group | Difference |
Current | $20.34 | | $16.09 |
| $4.25 |
2015 | $19.66 | +3.5% | $15.55 |
+3.5% | $4.11 |
2014 | $19.22 | +2.3% | $15.20 |
+2.3% | $4.02 |
2013 | $18.91 | +1.6% | $14.96 |
+1.6% | $3.95 |
2012 | $18.47 | +2.4% | $14.61 |
+2.4% | $3.86 |
2011 | $18.24 | +1.2% | $14.43 |
+1.2% | $3.81 |
2010 | $17.90 | +1.9% | $14.16 |
+1.9% | $3.74 |
2009 | $17.61 | +1.7% | $13.93 |
+1.7% | $3.68 |
2008 | $17.14 | +2.8% | $13.56 |
+2.8% | $3.58 |
2007 | $16.68 | +2.7% | $13.20 |
+2.7% | $3.49 |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to All Occupations | Difference |
Current | $20.34 | | $20.53 |
| -$0.19 |
2015 | $19.66 | +3.5% | $19.96 |
+2.9% | -$0.29 |
2014 | $19.22 | +2.3% | $19.53 |
+2.2% | -$0.31 |
2013 | $18.91 | +1.6% | $19.14 |
+2.1% | -$0.22 |
2012 | $18.47 | +2.4% | $18.81 |
+1.7% | -$0.33 |
2011 | $18.24 | +1.2% | $18.51 |
+1.6% | -$0.26 |
2010 | $17.90 | +1.9% | $18.20 |
+1.7% | -$0.29 |
2009 | $17.61 | +1.7% | $17.95 |
+1.4% | -$0.34 |
2008 | $17.14 | +2.8% | $17.49 |
+2.6% | -$0.35 |
2007 | $16.68 | +2.7% | $16.94 |
+3.3% | -$0.25 |
Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2016 |